
This Venus Retrograde

I want women and femmes to realize that you are powerful.

The knowers of your life are resources to tap into but not Indefinitely.

You are the greatest knower of all.

Tools are optional.

Be the creative director of your life.

How do you wish to live?

Make the decisions according to this. No one in your life knows better than you on how you want to engage with you life.

Support is not a replacement for your own inner knowing.

You always knew — you just need tools and guides on occasion to imagine what better feels like before the how. Know your why.

Be accountable with your ability to create, destroy, reclaim your power of will and decision.

You are valuable. You are worth better. Don’t align with falsities. Or intangible promises. Actions are decisions made.

You are allowed to pivot, to change your mind, to leave.

You are the artist—be sensitive about YOUR life.

If it doesn’t inspire you to be more grounded and empowered then it doesn’t make sense.

On doing love well: a note on freedom

On doing love well: a note on freedom